Sunday, May 30, 2010


I. Installing On-line Shut-in on your hard drive.
II. Subscribing.
III. Creating your Shut-in.
IV. Navigating the On-line Shut-in "Introverse."

Installing your new copy of On-line Shut-in is as easy as not dancing. Simply place the CD-ROM in the appropriate drive and follow the prompts that appear on the screen. On-line Shut-in will take up a tiny amount of space on the furthest corner of your hard drive. You'll hardly notice it.

Stare at the On-line Shut-in icon that should now occupy the bottom right hand corner of your computer desktop (it looks like a tiny man hiding behind a sofa). If nothing happens, double-click on the icon. If nothing continues to happen, try again. Remember, a "double-click" means that the two clicks must be in fairly quick succession. Today's computer 'mice' are built to withstand repeated, firm clicks, so don't hold back. Once the subscription template appears on your screen, you simply need to fill out the appropriate billing information. Our unobtrusive automatic withdrawl option ensures that you won't have to walk to the mailbox or speak to anyone on the phone.

Three columns will appear under the banner "Creating Your Shut-in". Click on one icon in each column to choose your shut-in's gender, pastiness, and eyeglass prescription. Once you've set these parameters, click DONE to proceed to the bathrobe selection screen.

There are over 8,000 styles of bathrobe to choose from, with variable size, length, color, fabric, stain types and stain patterns. Make sure you pick the bathrobe that's right for your shut-in, because he or she will be wearing it for the duration of the game! Once you've picked a robe, it's time to determine how your shut-in makes a living.

The occupation screen has over 4 different types of occupations to choose from:

Freelance web designer
Neighborhood curiosity
Famous physicist
Undiscovered corpse (this occupation will severely limit your playing choices)

Once you've created your on-line shut-in, it's time to start not exploring our vast, virtual world - the "Introverse."

The Introverse is a gigantic virtual world, filled with thousands of virtual characters, each with unique personalities and objectives, and all of them interacting with each other to create a constantly-changing virtual "eventscape." However, your virtual shut-in will only be able to experience this world vicariously, as he or she will never leave their home. Your character can:

Peer through the curtains.*
Go on-line.*
Watch tv.*
Play on-line games.*
Shout at passersby through the mail slot.&
Engage in on-line discussion forums relating to on-line games.*
Solve age-old mathematical and scientific conundrums and receive international praise.^
Send and receive both snail and e-mail.*

*Option not available to undiscovered corpses.
**Option only available to undiscovered corpses.
+Option not available to famous physicists.
^Option only available to famous physicists.
&Option only available to neighborhood curiosities.

Monday, May 24, 2010


So I bought "Plastic Beach" yesterday which means I can stop listening my torrented version - which always made me feel guilty for enjoying it so goshdern much and not having paid good official American currency for it.

I recently discovered Janelle Monae. It's like Sun-Ra Orchestra meets Outkast. I'm not mad at it.

I am the Record Industry's good, good friend. Such a good friend that sometimes we borrow from each other and I've slept over a time or two.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


I officially own a "Smart Phone."
I don't like it.