Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I just had a dream where i was captured and about to be electrocuted, car-battery style by some mafia guy for breaking into his base and taking out several of his men. I got into his base using a "cloaking watch" like The Spy in TF2. I stabbed a whole bunch of people in the back. I could also change disguises. One of them resembled Chris Eccelston and that was what eventually lead to my capture. I was blackmailed into doing it. I was supposed to get some kind of information about an experiment. I was captured by "The Rock" although he feigned knocking me out. Apparently my former co-worker Lo'An was going to bust me out. I woke up right after the criminal mastermind guy asked about growing up in Langhorne and then telling me "this is going to be painful." He already shocked me twice and asked me which part of me I'd rather have amputated first.

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