Thursday, April 01, 2010

Up the Zigguraut.

That's right. It being a quarter through 2010 and all, I figure it's about time to release "It" from the confines of this particular level, and allow "It" to take the leap to a place I like to call "The Next Level", or as some folks refer to it - "The Level After This One".

To sum up, it's time to take "It" to the "Next Level". It's also time to stop using big, flashy quotes and capitalization in this post.

Now, to be sure, since I've never exposed it to the next level, I'm not exactly sure what will happen. Great things could happen. It might really thrive there. The next level might be a place that it really likes. On the other hand, it might not be able to handle the next level, and might clamor to return to the relative safety and obscurity of this particular level. I hope not. It's explored this level pretty thoroughly, and I personally feel that it can benefit from a new level. The next level.

So, let's see what happens. It? Get in the catapult.

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